f6d3264842 22 Sep 2017 ... “Saints Row 2” is an action and adventure game for the Xbox 360, ... You will then be prompted to complete a second level of the mission.. 14 Oct 2018 ... It's been ten years since the release of Saints Row 2. Is it still ... The side-missions are so unusual, Volition made a trailer comparing bowling in GTA IV to ... As a piece of extra, hidden content, this works on a number of levels.. 14 Oct 2008 ... If you want to talk about Saints Row 2 (right place to be, innit), you've got two ... Even if you're not right next to a mission or activity icon (missions advance ...... no extra online game modes, and still no official word on the DLC.. 13 Jun 2015 ... There's no doubt that Saints Row 2: Ultor Exposed falls down badly here. With three uninspired and ludicrously short missions forming the meat of the ... with good money for the limited extra entertainment offered by this DLC.. "Revelation" is an extra mission in Saints Row 2. During the mission "Appointed Defender", Johnny Gat informs The Protagonist that Troy is now the chief of the .... Bungie.net is the Internet home for Bungie, the developer of Destiny, Halo, Myth, Oni, and Marathon, and the only place with official Bungie info .... Saints Row 2 is a 2008 open world action-adventure video game developed by Volition and ... Players navigate the open world and unlock missions by spending Respect, a currency earned by completing numerous off-mission activities. .... which serve as bonus modifiers or by eliminating members of the opposing team.. 7 Jul 2014 ... Only in this mission I got black screen, impossible complete the mission after kill liutenants. I like this game but pc version have a lot of bugs.. Go to the police station in harrowgate. Go to the investigations unit office. you will see three saints icons. Walk into each of them and after you will get a number .... In Saints Row 2, Missions are divided into five sections. ... There is also one extra mission "Revelation" that is not part of the prologue, epilogue or any gang arcs.. 29 May 2015 ... Saints Row 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. ... Mission Extra: Revelation [edit]. Filed under the "extra" category of .... 25 Nov 2008 - 4 min - Uploaded by RE4freak4Saints Row 2 Walkthrough Platform:Xbox 360 Mode:Normal Click here to view in HQ http://www .... Go to the Police Station and go on the 3rd floor into the room with all the tapes listen to them all and then go into the office and theres the mission .... Salut, je viens de me rendre compte que beaucoup de personnes galéraient pour trouver cette mission bonus, comme quoi il fallait se rendre .... There is one secret mission in Saints Row 2 that can be triggered at any time. Completing it yields the “Vengeance” achievement on the Xbox 360 version, and it .... i've done all of the other missions but i don't know how to unlock the extra mission when looking at the newspaper clipboard, can someone tell .... Respect in Saints Row 2 can be obtained in many different ways and determines how many main story missions you can do. ... a 5% bonus to respect gained from Activities, so Rank 2 gives 10% extra, Rank 8 gives 40% extra, and so on.. This is an extra hidden mission. To start it, fgo to the police station (It's in the south/southeastern portion of the Saints Row District) Go up to the Third Floor and .... 15 Dec 2009 ... Can you name the Missions in Saints Row 2? Test your knowledge on this gaming quiz to see how you do and compare your score to ... Extra .... Hallo ich hab das spiel jetz durch und wollte Fragen wo man die Ewtramission finden kann warte sehnsuechtig auf antwortenig Masterchiefs_righthand.
Saints Row 2 Extra Mission
Updated: Mar 11, 2020